Archive | February, 2018

Integrating Consciousness

10 Feb

How do we go about integrating consciousness to change our ‘being’, assuming we have identified a need to change it in order to serve love and fulfil our mission on Earth.
If we can accept that we are more than what presents in the universe of our body (Physical plane), we need to understand how we present in the universe of our mind (mental plane), and in the universe of our spirit (spiritual plane), in order that the three operate in unity.
It is in the realm of our mind (the thinking) that communication is opened between body (the physical, doing) and spirit (soul and high self) and it is this being that reflects in our bodies. It is this being that reflects in what and how we think, and what we do and how we feel. It drives our feelings and if communication with Spirit is intermittent or faulty, the feelings we carry do not align with those of Unconditional Love, (the Holy Spirit, Mana. Prana, Chi, Life Force, Energy of the Mind of the Creator, Christ energy, God, The Great ‘Is’). When they do, we feel great gratitude for life and the understandings and knowledge it brings to us. We feel great joy in the beauty we begin to notice in everything around us. We develop faith that the world and the day serve us in our journey as we serve it. We find ourselves full of the genuine compassion of love for others on their path. We find that we forgive easily without judgement, those who hurt and harm us and the world around them, in their isolation from the power of love. We find that we can then help them if they ever come to express a desire to change their being in the realisation that they are absent of love in their lives. We cannot, no matter how hard we try, fix them ourselves. But we can bring the healing of spirit to them through our skills, if they are open to receiving it.
We cannot pretend to forgive simply because it is something we are asked to do by wise teachers. Our Being of Mind will see and feel the insincerity of it. We cannot pretend compassion just because wise teachers tell us that it is a desirable state of being. Our Being will recognise the pretence.
So if we have recognised this in ourselves and if we have a desire to achieve these attributes in our Being, where do we start?
1) Understand that the sufferings we endure, are a result of lacking communication between our three selves, and have NOTHING whatsoever to do with the world that that lack has manifested in our lives, or that we fear will manifest in our lives.(i.e. a world of lack!)
2) Recognise that it is our responsibility and ours alone to take the steps necessary to begin changing our Being and establish a positive communication and integration of our consciousness. It matters little how we came to be taught our current core beliefs. We need to seek detachment from any need to ‘blame’ someone or something else for our state of being.
3) Change our ‘self talk’. Address our inner being with affection and understanding. Let it know that we realise it is our focus and attention on the physical world and its less desirable aspects that leads it to perpetuate those aspects of focus. (I use ‘Thank you, I’m sorry, forgive me, I love you’ of the Ho’oponopono traditions of Hawaii as a start. EFT is another way to engage the Inner Being as a trusted friend. There are many ways to consciously improve our relationship with our inner self.)
4) Once our Inner Being is conscious of our intent to desire change together, we ask for connection with Spirit through connection with our Higher Being. I address this aspect of myself as ‘Lord of Our Being’, making the prayer from the ‘We’ of my ‘body- self’ ( logical and objective mind of the physical Human)and my ‘mind-self’ (emotional and subjective mind of the Inner Being). To address directly, with proper desire, one of the Great Teachers, the Angels, any Being of Unconditional Love or the Mind of the Creator itself knowing they are all of One Mind, will automatically engage our own ‘spirit-self’, Higher Being, as part of our integrated self.
5) Sit in stillness, meditate, enjoy the connection without attention to thoughts for a while. In these moments we are One within ‘God’ and They are One within Us. (Not We are ‘God” and They are Us – big difference in conceptual understanding there! Compare the idea that the character an actor plays is of the actor, and the actor is of the character but the character is not the actor and nor is the actor the character.)
6) Express genuine gratitude for peace and love in the moments of connection that we experience, either on purpose through deliberate connection, or in walking through life, as in whenever we feel our hearts swell with joy and love at moments in our day.
7) Be conscious, mindful, aware of this connection increasingly more often as we practice living more and more in the present moment.
8) Practice being mindful of our thoughts, to monitor them for an absence of connection in our being, that we can consciously address them – not with judgement, but with love and compassion.
9) Any material goals and desires we have, need to be manifested from this integrated state of being if we wish to impact the collective consciousness of the world. There is nothing wrong with ‘wanting stuff’or ‘having stuff’ if it is intended to serve the power of Love. For example. If we ‘want’ a flash house because we haven’t got one, we are serving the power of lack. If it is because we think we deserve it more than others, or we have earned it through hard work where we think others haven’t, we are serving a power of pride. If we think we need to show others how successful we are, we are serving a love of power. If we want it, though, to bring beauty and appreciation to others, to demonstrate how man and nature can compliment each other, to bring others into our life as employees, or as extended family members and friends, being able to accommodate them in a beautiful environment to share, we are serving the power of love.
10) Be aware that the energies of the universe serve us, and their laws are immutable. They do for us that which our ‘being’ asks/attracts. It is up to us to consciously integrate our 3 selves so that our being moves ever higher in ‘frequency’ along the continuum of being ab‘sin’t of love to being love itself. As we achieve this we begin to merge the 3 planes of our existence (Body, Mind and Spirit) to be a physical, mental and spiritual representation of the Creator (in Their image) in Whose mind we, and all of the creation, are manifest and Who is in every aspect, down to the smallest particle, a part of what we ourselves manifest and what we are.
None of this is easily or instantly achieved. We spend our entire life moving along this continuum. Some would say lifetimes in this and other worlds. I am with the latter, but it does not really matter if we can acknowledge that our journey through life is one we take one step at a time, knowing that as a collective consciousness/creation, we will get to the perfect manifestation of Love in the end and knowing we can be integrated with the consciousness of Love all the way, if we ask it. We are never alone.

Of course there is nothing linear about how the universe and our being operate, but this simple metaphor can show us that unless our being is aligned with higher frequency we will continue to operate in the lower. Our own higher consciousness cannot operate within us unless we connect through consistent practice and a desire to raise our frequency one step at a time. We tend to fluctuate in our connection on the continuum due to the law of rhythm, the swing of the pendulum, the cycle of seasons, the rise and fall of the tides. But as we progress, the down is not as far down and the ups are higher.











The Nature of Our Being

4 Feb

Everything we DO and everything we UNDERGO, that happens to us, is a reflection of our BEING. Our BEING takes action in reaction to other actions. These spirals of both positive and negative decisions and consequences are reflections of our BEING.
Our DOING – that is our emotions/feelings; our thoughts/desires; our actions/inactions/reactions/ decisions (and all of their consequences) – and our BEING –that is our personality/ nature/ character/ ego – are directly related. We cannot DO something unless we ARE something. And we cannot BE something unless we DO something.
So what constitutes our BEING which then dictates our DOING?
At the time I write this I am drawn to the idea that we are THREE beings in one. (The Human Being.) There is our Superconscious being, our Subconscious being and our Conscious being. The majority of us are unconscious of the first two beings in our ‘reality’. Some of us are unconscious of all and operate from a subconscious agenda, perhaps in tandem with the Superconscious, perhaps not, reflecting in our actions. Increasingly now, more professional people and even some scientists are recognising a ‘superconscious’ element in human consciousness.
I am assuming that my reader is open minded enough to accept this as a possibility – that our BEING is a reflection of all three beings within, as far as we allow them to integrate. And there is the catch. Even if we are conscious of all three aspects of our BEING, we may not necessarily have integrated them – in fact it is very unlikely that we have, given the current state of UNconsciousness that humanity is in. ( It has improved , though. I am able to present these ideas in a public forum and be fairly confident I will not be lynched and burned at a stake! I count this as a great blessing.)
Many ‘new age’ philosophies and teachings are giving full attention to the subconscious mind – targeting the ego. This, I feel, has validity in the fact that it is the Ego that drives our BEiING and therefore the consequences (sufferings, undergoings, STORIES) of our ACTIONS (thoughts, feelings, decisions), but there seems to be a conscious belief that it is the ego that is to blame for our ‘troubles’! (to put an Irish euphemism to it!) I know I have been enticed by this idea – that it is not really ME who is the cause of my suffering. This is because I have bought into the belief that it is someone, or something’s FAULT!
However, is this trend to desire disempowerment or destruction of our egos, not yet another target (to replace, or supplement ‘the Devil’? Or ‘The Human Condition’? Or ‘Karma’? Or ‘The Users in our Life’? Or the ‘Greedy’? Or the ‘Conspirators’? Or the ‘Lovers of Power’? Or ‘Our Childhood Experiences’? Or our ‘Ancestral Experiences’? The’Sins of the Fathers”? Our birthright?(caste, place in the hierarchy)) as something for us to blame? Surely our Ego belongs to US and its attributes are OUR responsibility. The DOING in our life belongs to our BEING. It is who we are. Responsibility need not equate with blame! But how often do we become DEFENSIVE when it is suggested that we are responsible for what happens to us? We feel JUDGED. We feel OFFENDED. We feel ABUSED. This is because we have been taught so, and so we have taught our Subconscious Being to believe we are worthy of judgement. This is what we have taught our poor Ego to do! To believe we are unworthy! So of course in its defence, it either believes that IT is unworthy, or that someone/something else is! I have called this SNOT –‘snot me!’
Our subconscious ego does not need to be blamed for our ‘troubles’. Neither do we, the Conscious. However, operating in a vibration of frustration, self pity, anger, hatred or blame can never achieve true contact with the vibration of love, no matter how much we say we have it. This is what drives the Ego to behave like a 2 year old! We must consciously strive to raise our vibratory frequency towards the ideal of Unconditional Love on the positive end of the continuum of ‘feelings’ and away from its complete abSince at the other.
Our children need recognition, support and understanding in their quest for independence. They will become dysfunctional if they do not receive these things and one other vitally important element – LOVE – from their parents, wider family, and community. Our Inner Child – our Ego – is no different. Many of our teachers call for the ‘death’ or ‘dissolving’ of the Ego. While to my mind this is a call for transformation, many equate death and dissolving to a ‘disappearing’. If our intention is to ‘get rid of’ our ego we are telling our child within that they are not wanted. A perfect recipe for dysfunction – for getting what we DON”T want.
I much prefer ‘inner being’ as a title for our subconscious self. It will grow and mature with a high level of function and self confidence if we love and nurture it as we would a broken or damaged creature, or our own precious child. It is our responsibility to introduce it to our ‘higher being’ that it brings the power of love into our integrated being. It is only through our conscious will that this can happen.
If we ignore it, or berate it, despise it, our lives will reflect this through its ‘acting out’ or its apathy in manifesting what we want and its subservience to a fear of power. If we decide to give it a love of power, by giving it permission to ‘deal’ with others and enslave them to our will, we become judgemental, bullying, narcissistic powermongers, or henchmen to them.
It is through our inner being that we access and activate the universal laws. If there is no connection to our higher being in this process, then we manifest our lives in an absence of the power of Love. If we do this consciously, we abuse those powers.
Many, like me, have questioned deeply the beliefs imposed on us by our upbringing and religions. People who are convinced that any who do not embrace their way of ‘doing’ are lost souls, do not truly Love. Whether we connect and integrate with unconditional love through our own Higher Being, or through Jesus, or Buddha, or Mohammed, or any great teacher is irrelevant (to my mind) since all high beings, including our own, give us connection to the Power of Love,(through the mind of ‘God’) providing we have introduced our inner being to them and acknowledged them all, as such.
If we consciously connect to the Higher Consciousness through our Inner Being by acknowledging and nurturing that being with love, we will bring about an ego ‘death’ – that is, a shifting of being along the continuum towards the ideal of ‘Unconditional Love’. Every experience manifested in our lives has the potential to help us achieve the next step on this journey. To be conscious of this process rather than continue on unconsciously, will see a more rapid progress. We begin to find gratitude for our trials and come to rise above them, not because we judge that which has taught us but because we allow the lesson and are grateful for it; we find we have genuine love and compassion for those who brought it to us, including our own Inner Being! We cannot access this genuine feeling of gratitude until we have transitioned ourselves along the continuum of ‘feelings’ enough to attain the vibratory frequencies of ‘being’ there. It begins with forgiveness – a readiness (being sorry – consciously so r(r)eady) to ask to give forward into the love of our Higher Being(s), our feelings arising from being in the vibrational state of the opposite end of the continuum from Unconditional Love. This can only begin when we open our hearts to the possibility that we are indeed responsible for our journey.
If our goals, dreams and visions are imagined and desired with a focus of attention on the feelings that come with NOT having them, we will attract the NOT. We need to connect with our Higher Being to shift that vibratory state of being. Our intent, in desiring to achieve this, must come from a desire to serve and be love and not from a desire to escape our suffering with its feelings of hate, self pity, judgement and anger . This is where our conscious attention needs to BE, that our subconscious attention (inner being) is also there, that the connection with our Higher Being occurs and we find ourselves rising above our suffering and manifesting a life of abundance and joy. In doing what we love to do and loving others as ourselves, we influence the vibration of others in their place on the continuum. We do not have to identify or judge them as being ‘here’ or ‘there’. Our only concern is where we are now on our journey and to make the next step. The rest will follow as consequences of that action, for ourselves and for others.